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- Message-ID: <401_9503210239@wad.fido.de>
- Organization: Welt am Draht
- Lines: 239
- ## Nachricht vom 07.03.95 weitergeleitet
- ## Ersteller: Joachim Koch@242:1000/7.20
- ## Empfaenger: All
- From:koch@wad.fido.de
- Subject:Roswell-Incident 19947
- Organization: International Roswell Initiative
- ## Nachricht vom 26.02.95 weitergeleitet
- ## Ursprung : /FIDO/UFO
- ## Ersteller: Joachim Koch@2:2410/504.20
- ## Empfaenger: All
- Hello !
- >>>>>>continued from previous message>>>>>
- This is PART 9 of the material distributed with the
- ROSWELL-DECLARATION. Have you received the previous parts?
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- An Open Letter to All Those With an Interest in the UFO
- Phenomenon:
- - Part 2 -
- The Roswell case does not stand alone as the only solid evidence
- of a coverup of UFO information by the U.S. government. In
- 1980, after having filed numerous Freedom of Information Act
- (FOIA) requests, a group known as Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
- (CAUS) learned of 156 UFO-related documents held by the National
- Security Agency (NSA) and of internal references to a large
- number of UFO-related documents held by other agencies,
- including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While this was
- an interesting revelation, researchers believe that it would not
- be possible through FOIA requests to find even references to the
- most important UFO documents (such as those relating to
- Roswell). This information would, presumably, be buried much
- deeper.
- The members of CAUS proceeded with a FOIA request for the 156
- NSA UFO documents, but were denied access to all of them. They
- subsequently filed an appeal in federal court and lost.
- Interestingly, the National Security Agency did not even allow
- the judge in the hearing, Gerhardt Gessell of the First Federal
- Court, District of Columbia, to view the 156 UFO documents.
- Instead, the NSA submitted a special 21-page "top secret plus"
- affidavit to the judge, giving its arguments for withholding the
- documents. An unusual action from a government that officially
- denies having any knowledge about the existence of UFOs!
- It is important to realize that the vast majority of people
- employed by the U.S. government, even those with top secret
- clearances, would not have access to classified UFO information
- such as the 156 NSA UFO documents. In all probability, most of
- these government employees, like the rest of us, would like to
- know the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.
- Furthermore, it is doubtful whether any members of Congress have
- access to such information and, given the size of the government
- bureaucracy and high degree of compartmentalization that exists
- within it, it is conceivable that even the President has not
- been fully briefed on the subject.
- For obvious reasons, it is necessary that the military services
- and the intelligence agencies impose a certain amount of
- secrecy. In recent decades, however, many observers say that
- the use of government secrecy has become excessive. Secrecy is
- tantamount to power and, like power, lends itself to abuse.
- Behind the shield of secrecy, it is possible for an agency or
- service to avoid scrutiny and essentially operate outside the
- law. Accountability to the taxpayers, and to the Congress, can
- be conveniently avoided. Perhaps this is a major reason the
- U.S. annual "black budget" (government spending on secret
- programs) has climbed to a staggering $25 billion a year. The
- 1995 budget for the National Security Agency alone is projected
- at $3.5 billion according to the publication Defense Week.
- Secrecy, like power, is not readily relinquished.
- Traditionally, those in power tend to vehemently resist change
- of any type, including change that would be in the public
- interest. Anything that might upset the status quo is perceived
- as a potential threat to entrenched position or power. For
- example, the November 11, 1994, New York Times reported that an
- Executive Order signed by President Clinton declassifying nearly
- 44 million pages of secret documents, some dating back to 1917,
- was delayed nearly a year because of resistance from military
- and intelligence officials. The New York Times article also
- reported that although 22 years ago President Nixon promised
- "immediate and systematic declassification" of Vietnam War
- documents, nearly five million pages of those documents are
- still being withheld at the demand of military and intelligence
- officials. In view of this kind of obsession with secrecy on
- the part of the government, obtaining the release of information
- that has been as closely guarded as NSA and CIA UFO documents or
- the files on Roswell is not going to be an easy task.
- Fortunately, a number of politicians, including President
- Clinton, are aware of the problem of excessive secrecy and have
- pledged to do something about it. There are also some
- politicians known to have an interest in the subject of UFOs,
- but few have had the courage to speak out. One notable
- exception is former Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. Senator
- Goldwater agreed to do a pre-taped interview for the Larry King
- special on UFOs, broadcast on October 1, 1994. In reference to
- government-held information on UFOs, Senator Goldwater stated,
- "I think the government does know." He went on to say, "...I
- think that at Wright Patterson Field, if you could get into
- certain places, you'd find out what the Air Force and the
- government does know about UFOs. Reportedly, a spaceship
- landed. It was all hushed up...I called Curtis LeMay and I
- said, `General, I know we have a room at Wright Patterson where
- you put all this secret stuff. Could I go in there?' I've
- never heard him get mad, but he got madder than hell at me,
- cussed me out, and said, `Don't ever ask me that question
- again!'"
- On numerous occasions, Senator Goldwater has publicly mentioned
- his experience with General LeMay and his belief in a government
- coverup concerning UFOs. However, he had never mentioned
- Roswell specifically until July 1994. At that time, in response
- to a letter about the Roswell Initiative, Senator Goldwater
- wrote, "You touch something very close to me, by your letter.
- Roswell has long been a point of great interest to me, since the
- first UFOs turned up." Of great surprise to Roswell
- researchers, he stated, "Butch Blanchard was a very close friend
- of mine. I worked with him in the Air Force...." (General
- William "Butch" Blanchard was the officer who, as a Colonel and
- Commander of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field in
- 1947, issued the press release that a crashed disk [UFO] had
- been recovered.) With respect to "getting the things about
- Roswell that you would like," he stated, "I tried diligently to
- get them from General LeMay, and the only cussing out he ever
- gave me was when I very vociferously asked him for information."
- Senator Goldwater was the Republican party's presidential
- candidate in 1964 (against Lyndon Johnson), chairman of the
- Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for eight years,
- chairman of the Senate Armed Service's Committee for four years,
- and a major general in the Air Force Reserves. Many consider
- Senator Goldwater one of the most distinguished, respected, and
- honest U.S. statesmen of this century. He retired from public
- service in 1987 after having served 30 years in the U.S. Senate.
- If, as the Roswell evidence indicates, information confirming
- the existence of other intelligent life in the universe is being
- withheld from the people of the world by a few privileged
- individuals in the U.S. government, such withholding is a crime
- against all humanity and a gross misuse of the power entrusted
- to those individuals. It is, in effect, a form of censorship on
- a nonmilitary and a non-national security issue. The question
- must be asked: What gives these individuals the right to keep
- this information to themselves, thereby depriving the rest of
- the world of knowledge of almost inconceivable magnitude and
- consequence? Do these individuals consider themselves, by
- virtue of some divine providence or other abstract rationale, so
- above the rest of us that only they are entitled to or are
- capable of handling this information? Such arrogance and
- elitism by the officials of any government, much less a
- government based upon the principles of democracy and individual
- rights, is a gross injustice against not only its own people,
- but all people. At issue is knowledge so profound that it
- affects our very perspective on man's place in the universe.
- While the organizers of the Roswell Initiative feel that it is
- highly probable that the U.S. government is withholding such
- information, the primary goal of the initiative is to get the
- matter into the open so that the truth can be conclusively
- determined, one way or the other. It is hoped, therefore, that
- all individuals, no matter what their opinion on the subject,
- will support this effort. There has never before been a
- grassroots movement of such magnitude on this issue, and there
- may never be again. This effort could represent the best chance
- that we will ever have of learning the truth about this matter.
- Despite an overwhelmingly positive response, the battle is far
- from won. Too many people, while supporting this cause in
- principle, are unwilling to get involved. It is critical,
- therefore, that all individuals who do support this effort
- participate by signing a copy of the Roswell Declaration and
- distributing it to others.
- One of the most basic philosophical and scientific questions
- contemplated by modern man is, "Are we alone?" If the Roswell
- premise is correct, as we believe it to be, and we are
- successful in what we are trying to accomplish, that question
- will be answered with absolute finality, once and for all.
- People all over the world will be able to look up at the
- firmament of the night sky with its millions of stars and feel
- an even greater sense of wonder about what is out there.
- Sincerely,
- Kent Jeffrey, Coordinator
- Help to bring this historic initiative to success and sign the
- Roswell-Declaration.
- -------------------------------------------------
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Please send signed Declarations to either organization:
- MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.
- CUFOS; 2457W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
- FUFOR; PostOffice Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.
- Or to:
- Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.
- Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ***Further material (updates etc.) will be presented inascending
- numerical order***
- ********************There are 9 documents by now***********************
- Viele Gruesse
- Joachim
- IN: koch@wad.fido.de